Chester is a quaint New England town with a population of 3,144, centrally located, and in close proximity to several ski areas including Okemo, Stratton, and Killington. Chester offers a community of great restaurants, comfortable B & Bs, and interesting shops, including authentic antique stores and lovely art galleries. Whether you are looking for a quiet respite, or just adventuring off the beaten path..... Here, you can enjoy a tranquil and charming atmosphere. Chester is also a wonderful place to live!
Hearing Notices
Zoom Meetings
The Town of Chester holds meetings via Zoom and at the Town Hall. The link to the meetings are posted here. By Phone, call (646) 558 8656 and enter the Meeting ID posted below. The meeting ID is the last 11 numbers in the link.
Local Cannabis Control Commission Meeting |
Here's the Latest News:For important news and updates please see below, access the Latest News tab, or click here- News Blog Spot
The General Election was held Tuesday, November 5, 2024. The Official Return of Votes can be found HERE.
The Water/Wastewater Department will be flushing fire hydrants 10/3/24-10/9/24.
The Select Board adopted an amended Short-Term Rental Ordinance on June 19, 2024, that raises the annual fee for a non-hosted short-term rental from $300 to $600, imposes a one year waiting period after the sale or transfer of a property before it can be registered as a short-term rental, sets a town-wide registration cap of 65 short-term rental registrations per year, and allows a person or entity to register only up to 2 short-term rental dwelling units in the town in any calendar year. Click here for a copy of the amended Short-Term Rental Ordinance.
The Town of Chester's Land Records are available online. The documents on the site date back to 1980. Please call the Town Office at (802) 875-2173 to ask about unrecorded documents or to set up an appointment to view ones that cannot be found online. The link can be found here-
Land Records The Town of Chester's Lister information and tax maps are now available online. Please use this link to access this tool- Lister Information.
The 2024 Fall edition of the Town Newsletter has been released. Copies of the Newsletter can be found at various places around town. If you would like to receive the Newsletter by email, please call the office at 875-2173, or send an email to [email protected]. Please see here to view this edition. Newsletter
Is there a problem regarding noise, trash, parking, or the number of guests (partying) at a short-term rental? Wondering if that short-term rental is registered with the Town of Chester? You may now call the short-term rental 24/7 compliant hotline or complete an online complaint form.
Please be prepared to describe your concern, provide an address or description of the house with which you are concerned, and leave your contact information for staff to contact you should they have further questions (this information remains confidential).
The Select Board adopted an Animal Control Ordinance on July 3, 2024, that deems disturbing the peace, running at large, and damage to the property of another by a domesticated animal to be a nuisance punishable by penalties and impoundment. Click here for a copy of the Ordinance Regulating Domestic Animals and here for the Notice of Adoption that explains the citizen’s right to petition for a public vote.
Pay by Credit/Debit Card AvailableThe Town of Chester has the option to pay by credit/debit card. This option can be accessed at the Town Office, by clicking on the flag icon below, or calling the Town Office at (802) 875-2173. Also, the Mobile App can be downloaded to your phone or tablet as a convenient way to keep track of your account. If you choose to download the Mobile App, please use number 37105 in the field provided to access the Town of Chester's account. There will be a $1 convenience fee applied to all charges under $33, and a 3% fee for anything that amount or over.
Upcoming Meetings:October 9th: Planning Commission
October 14th: Development Review Board
October 16th: Select Board
October 28th: Development Review Board
November 6th: Select Board
November 11th: Development Review Board
November 18th: Planning Commission
November 20th: Select Board
November 25th: Development Review Board
December 4th: Select Board
December 9th: Development Review Board
December 16th: Planning Commission
December 18th: Select Board
December 23rd: Development Review Board