The actual mailings from the Census Bureau to homes will begin in mid-March. For the first time in history, people will be able to fill out their US Census forms on-line at their convenience. For those who prefer more traditional methods, the census may also be completed via telephone, or by returning the form, which will come in a later mailing, via U.S. Mail. And in mid-April, those who haven't responded will receive a knock on their door from their friendly neighborhood Census-taker – and that could be you!
More than 9,000 Vermonters are being recruited to serve as Census-takers, and recruitment for these jobs has begun. The pay rate is $17.50 per hour, and hours are flexible, making this perfect for students over 18, retirees, or anyone seeking full or part-time work. The Census Bureau will even pay you during training, and all successful applicants will work in their home community and immediately surrounding towns. To apply, applicants can go to 2020.census.gov/jobs.