We are proud to partner with the Chester-Andover Family Center to provide heating assistance to residents of Chester and Andover through their Financial Assistance Program. Families needing assistance with a heating bill only need call the center and a volunteer will promptly return their call. Verified bills are paid directly to the vendor.
This year we are hosting a reception for the community on February 2, 2025, at VT Vines Vinyard and Winery from 4-6PM. Vermont Vines is located at 275 Williams Rd, Rockingham, VT. We will provide appetizers, and a cash bar will be available.
Your donation to the Share Heat Fundraiser will keep the heat on for those in our community who are struggling to pay their bills.
Donations may be made by check payable to CAFC, Chester Andover Family Center with “Share Heat” in the memo line. Checks may be mailed to Dakin & Benelli, P.C., PO Box 499, Chester, VT 05143.
You may also visit the CAFC website, chester-andoverfamilycenter.org and use the donate button to donate via PayPal. In the additional information/instructions line, please type in Share Heat Donation.
Your contribution to the Chester-Andover Family Center, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, will have an immediate and comforting impact on families struggling to keep their homes warm.
Please plan to join our community gathering at VT Vines on February 2.