- Bridge Replacement Project:
- Chester BO 1442(39) – Town Highway 18, Bridge 62 over Williams River
The recommended alternative includes removal of Bridge 62, 72, and 28 and replacement with a new bridge off-alignment. The intent of the meeting is to provide an overview of the project to Town Officials, local residents and businesses, emergency services and other interested parties. There will be a review of the existing site conditions, proposed work, and overall schedule followed by a question and answer period. Representatives from both VTrans and the Town of Chester will be available at the meeting to address public concerns about the project.
A copy of the Scoping Report for this project may be seen at the office of the Town Clerk in Chester, VT or at the Structures Section of the Agency of Transportation’s office in Montpelier, VT. Electronic copies are also available online at: https://outside.vermont.gov/agency/vtrans/external/Projects/Structures/12J616