The protocols for the Chester Town Pool that have been in effect since the pool opened include an hourly cleaning and disinfecting. Every 45 minutes the pool/pool house area are emptied of people and all touchable services are disinfected. This happens consistently throughout every day of operation.
Based on information provided by the CDC, there is no evidence that COVID-19 can spread through contact with chlorinated water in swimming pools. However, to take all precautions and in compliance with CDC guidelines, the Chester Town Pool area will be closed today, Monday July 13. A professional company has been hired to disinfect the pool and pool house thoroughly. It is expected that the pool will re-open on Tuesday, July 14 at noon.
If you were at the Chester Town Pool on Thursday, July 9, 2020 from 6:00-6:45 p.m., please contact the Chester Town Hall at 875-2173 to confirm your identity and other contact information. You are also advised to contact your primary care provider for guidance on isolating and whether COVID testing should be obtained.
We are hearing more and more about recent exposures taking place closer to Chester. I encourage all of us to strengthen and use all CDC recommended precautions during this time to help minimize the spread of COVID.