Tom’s award winning knitting needles and fiber art tools were voted Best Knitting Needles by knitting.about.com. , and awarded top honors from the Crochet Guild of America. Hand crafted in Chester, VT, Tom’s hooks and needles are in demand by discerning knitters and crochet enthusiasts worldwide.
The raffle will take place over three days beginning Sunday, September 20th at 12:01 AM and ending on Tuesday, September 22 at 11:59 PM. You can enter the raffle at https://go.rallyup.com/cafcraffle.
Go to our website at chester-andoverfamilycenter.org for a link to the Raffle Website, and a description of the $700.00 Knitting Tools raffle prize. Check out Linda and Tom’s DyakCraft website at DyakCraft.com.
Proceeds from the raffle will support the purchase and installation of a generator for the Chester Andover Family Center.
This past year, thanks to a Vt Food Bank Grant and a generous cash incentive from Efficiency Vermont, the Family Center was able to replace antiquated, inefficient refrigeration with three new energy efficient units. This has allowed us to expand the variety and quantity of fresh food offered to food shelf recipients. As a result of new reliable, refrigeration, the food shelf is now able to provide fresh produce, fruit, dairy and meat every week.
So why do we need a generator? In the event of a power outage, the Food Shelf could potentially lose two weeks of food. One hundred ninety enrolled households depend on us to provide weekly supplemental food. This becomes even more important when families may not have power in their homes. We need to keep the lights, heat and refrigeration on in the food shelf so our volunteers can offer the community a safe shelter, water and fresh food.
So, save the dates and enter our raffle on September 20, 21 and 22. You will be supporting the work of the CAFC and could be the proud winner of a DyakCraft, handmade in Chester, knitting tools package.